What a week! Lots of "firsts" this week!
First Baptism
First Birthday Celebration
My companions birthday was this past Monday. So, being the awesome companion that I am decided to throw a little fiesta for him. The 4 elders in our house decorated and we had cake and cola. Yes, you can give me the Companion of the Year award anytime that you would like. Just remember to send it to the mission home. Here in Ecuador there is a tradition that you get whipped or beaten on your birthday. Dont ask my why. It is against mission rules so my companion lucked out.
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Elder Quispe's Birthday Celebration
sponsored by Elder Shanklin |
First...Of Many Drunk People Experiences...This Week
Number 1. Okay. I dont know if you remember Javier. The story about the guy who killed someone and gave me a polar bear. Well we saw him again this week. Except this time he was missing a finger. Not sure how. but he showed us it, and at the same time he was smoking an illegal substance or drunk. Welcome to Ecuador. Here people are drunk at all times of the day which makes for interesting experiences.
Number 2. Every Saturday we have zone conference at the local church building. On the way there we passed by a small group of people having a church service. On the way back from zone conference we passed by the same place except now everyone was drunk and salsa music was playing. Except I know for a fact that they were not doing the salsa. However, I am not sure what dance it was.
Number 3. A drunk man in very broken english asked me where I was from. I reply America. He tells me he lived in Florida for 10 years. He asks me the state I live in. Missouri. He then proceeds to tell me that he has "people" in jail in Missouri and that when he lived in FLorida...maybe...he crashed 2 cars and killed someone. You will never believe what people will tell you without even starting the conversation. I said bye and left. NOthing more.
D is a former investigator that now has a baptism date for the 1 of November. She came to church on SUnday and everything seems to be going great.
B is a total stud. Loves the Book of Mormon. And most nights or some nights reads more than what we leave him with. It has almost been too easy with him. Knock on wood. Watching the Lord touch theirs lives has been a awesome experience. The people here in Ecuador are some the nicest people but have their fair share of problems.
1st Trip to Shopping
The mall here is called shopping. For the first few minutes I was there I literally felt like I was in America. American music, clothes, but then I heard spanish and was brought back down to earth. I was back in Heaven when I saw a McDonalds. Okay. McDonalds is way different here. Cleaner, more expensive, and smaller portions. It was the worst and best Mcdonalds hamburger I have ever had!
Elder Shanklin thought it was great that he saw Bass Pro hats in Ecuador! |
Elder Shanklin with Ronald McDonald |
First Mouse Attack
Last Night we had a mouse in the house. 4 missionaries verses 1 mouse. 1 missionary with the electric fly swatter, 1 with a camera, and 1 with a flashlight. I was on the kitchen counter chillin because I wasnt getting near that thing. Lets just say the mouse won
Thanks for all the love and support!
Life is a sport, make it count
Elder Shanklin