First off Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers in this world. You guys rock and I wouldnt be here if it was for my lovely mother so shoutout to her. It was great talking with the fam yesterday and sharing some experiences with them.
Body Builder
This week we were just walking in the street and there was this huge jacked dude. And I made a joke to my companion and asked if he would fight him. My companion threw it right back in my face by telling this dude that I wanted to fight him. Thankfully he joked it off and we kept on talking. Come to find out he is a member of the church. His 3 brothers served missions but he never did because of his body building competitions and stuff. We took some awesome pictures that i know you will enjoy and then made an appointment to met up with him and take some more.
Who do you think is going to win this fight? |
Talking is Not Teaching
As missionaries we are supposed to teach to the needs of the investigadors. However that is sometimes a lot harding then it seems. People get way distracted way easily. This week while we were teaching the restauration we had an investigador start to talk randomly about his ex girlfriend that he had like a year ago. The problem was we could not get him back on subject and ended up talking about this dudes girlfriend problems for like 30 minutes. Most of the time was just spent listening. Soccer, power rangers, super heros, and much more has interrupted lessons. You never know what will happen during the lessons. Pretty fun sometimes.
Stake Conference
This week was stake conference here in Ecuador. President came and made a visit. I learned a ton. From a missionary standpoint, and from the view of a member. Presidents talk was awesome. Really felt the spirit super strong as he bore a powerful witness of the importance of missionary work. It told the members of the stake that it is no longer acceptatble to come to church with just your family. More is required of us.
Hamburgers made by Elder Shanklin |
We will be having a baptism this saturday. His name is Geo. He met the church threw his friend that lives in the north. It is great because she and her family willl be coming to his baptism this week to support him. Geo is awesome and has a super power testimony already.
Thanks for all the prayers and love. We are working super hard here and hoping for a lot more success to come.
Life is a sport, make it count
Elder Shanklin