Another week down here in the beautiful country of Ecuador. Things are honestly great here and I have nothing to complain about.
The Future
Based on what will happen this is about a 100% chance that I will have changes tomorrow. I will be getting a new companion. My companion, after 24 months, will now be heading to his home. Learned a lot from him in the short time we were together. Great Missionary. Excited to see who my new companion will be. From what I have heard it will be a new zone leader, but things change in the blink of an eye here in the mission so really anything could happen. I have been with 2 companions when they have ended there missions. This one was a lot different than the first. We worked until the end until the last minute possible. It was a good week and should have some fruits to show for it. The week we spent some time as weel saying bye to all the members, or should I say my companion said bye to them. I am staying. That means the members gave us a bunch of food, which was cool for me
Elder Shanklin and Elder Kindred! |
Practices and Rehearsals
First off I will say that we are not trunky (which means getting ready to go home) but that we were just having fun. This week we spent a couple morning during companionship study practicing my companions homecoming speech on Sunday. It was actually dificult for us to write a talk in english but we got it done and I think it is pretty good. Not only that but we also planned the week that he was home. Where he would eat, what he was going to buy, and many other things. The best or funniest was in church when he was praciticing his airport walk. Or how he was going to walk in the gate when his family is waiting for him. Gave him some good tips so I am ready to see the video to see what he has applied.
Isla Trinitaria Missionaries |
Elder Shanklins companion is "dying" in the mission. |
It was honestly a great last week. Taught a lot of people, and while doing that we found so way cool new investigadors that are open to what we have to share. I am learnin everyday and will continue to learn from each companion that I have. Hope that next week was just like this one, if not better.
Thanks for all the love and support.
Life is a Sport, Make it Count
Elder Shanklin