So as many as you already know this week was an interesting week filled with lots of adventures and lots of good
On Monday I headed to Guayaquil to receive "my son." Whenever you train someone in the mission he is considered
your son and then would make me his father. We got to Guayaquil at like 10 at night and headed to the temple to
stay the night. We awoke in the morning and went to the temple to do a session. There were 14 of us that were
training and it was great to see some old companions and friends that I hadn't seen in a good time. After that the
new bees showed up and we took a picture and together headed to the chapel to receive instrucciones for the
assistants and president. It was a great time. I learned a lot and we received lots of good instruccion on Presidents
behalf. It is the last time that we will recieve a group of new bees. Then we recieve our companions. President had
to hurry off and wasnt able to do the interviews so we were able to work in Guayaquil for the night. I went and saw
a couple of converts in my previous sector. To my suprise I found them in the family history center preparing to go
to the temple next week. What an awesome surprise. Wednesday in the morning we had enterviews and then we
headed to Cuenca. We got to Cuenca around 7, made a couple visits and then headed home. Thursday, Friday and
Saturday we worked our tails off and had a good time at it.
Elder Shanklin with some of his recent converts in the Family History Center |
Elder Shanklin, His son (new companion), and a recent convert |
Elder Shanklin with two of his converts |
I didn't have much time last week so I failed to mention the Punin Family. It was a family that we found a couple
weeks ago and last Sunday and this Sunday they were at church. The dad is a member from a long time ago and
we are teaching his wife and his kids. They seemed to enjoy the church and we always have a great time when we
go over to there house. They are learning alot. They, like every other family, have problems and doubts but we are
helping them understanding the importance of the restored gospel. Pray for them and make sure to include them
in your prayers.
Elder Shanklin and his brand new companion |
Elder Shanklin and Greg Vaggalis |
Visit from an Apostle
So this weekend Elder Rasband from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will be in Guayaquil and he is going to
train us a little and teach us a lot. We all will be heading to Guayaquil this weekend to see him and hear from him.
Should be great.
Thanks for all the love and support, We are going to just keep working til the end.
Life is a Sport, Make it Count
Elder Shanklin