This week has flown by and I cant believe it is already monday again.
This week we had a baptism here in the beautiful island of trinitaria. His mom and dad were just recently baptized a couple of years ago and he also decided to get baptized. Super cool experience she a family come closer. However, like always the day of the baptism there are always dilemas that the missionaries have to solve. For example, the first clothes that we gave to Samuel were dirty. We were not informed that new clothes were wanted until 2 hours before the baptized. We have to make phone calls to other zone to find bright white clothes. Then we have to refill the fount because it had emptied itself somehow. However, everything went smoothly after that and it was a super cool experience. Just a quick funny story. After the baptism, my companion starts to walk out of the fount and then samuel starts swimming in the font like it is a swimming pool for like 10 seconds till my companion figures it out and then has to carry him out of the fount.
A little missionary swag |
Family picture |
Elder Shanklin and Samuel |
Elder Montoya and Elder Shanklin with Samuel |
So here in the mission we someone returns to church after being inactive for a long time it is called a rescue. This week we had a super cool experience with that. Last Monday we got a phone call asking us to come visit a person. They took us to the house of a less active. She has been less active for 19 years and she got a hold of a member and asked that we go and visit her. We went to her house, gave her a blessing, and just talked with her family. She has been humbled a lot recently and was looking to get right with God. It was a spiritual experience for me and what made it even cooler was that on sunday she was at church were her kids. The members did a great job and welcoming here which also was great. Like the Prophet Joseph Smith said. " Sometime the lord has to take us lower before he can take us higher" How true is that.
That work moves forward here in the part of the Lords vineyard. He are working diligentely everyday and are having success while doing it. Hope that everything is have a great time wherever it is that you are.
Life is a Sport, Make is Count
Elder Shanklin
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