Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Follow Me And I Will Make You Fishers Of Men-Santa Monica Guayaquil Week Thirty Nine

First off for those of you that read my brothers letters as well....... the mission in South America is not like that at all.;) We actually do have to work in order to have baptism here just like the rest of the world. Speaking of baptisms we just had one this week.


Leonardo asked us during the week if it was possible for him to get baptized even earlier than May 2. We talked with our leaders and they gave us permision so that he could get baptized this last weekend.  Just like every baptism something always goes wrong. I dont know if I have explained this before but Ecuador time is different than normal time. When you say something is going to start at 7:00 it really starts at like 9:00. We told everyone the baptism started at like 6:30 so they were be there or some would be there at 7-715. We get to the church and there was like 5 people. We are still waiting for the young man that was going to baptize Leonardo. At 7:30 Leonardos parents show up and still no person to baptize Leonardo. We then get a call that he had to work and can't make it. We have no back up and no clothes because he was going to bring his own clothes. Quickly we find a substitute and clothes, and the baptism starts at 8:10. Then we walk in the room and the water is full of mosquitos so we had to clean that. Then finally everything settled down and it finally starting rolling. It all turned out okay  because Leonardo enjoyed it and had a good time. Lots of youth were there to support him, and he has tons of friends in the church. One of his good friends is actually going on a mission soon which has really made Leonardo excited about that as well. Good time even with all the stress.
Leonardo and his family

Elder Shanklin, Elder Flamenco and Leonardo

New Investigators

We have a lot of new investigators that are starting to come out of the wood work. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks you guys well pictures of them in all white. We are working hard here in order to have some success. Like the Lord said, Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. This week we will be going fishing. We have the right bait, and everything, we just next to catch the right fish. 

Big things are coming your way from the small sector of Santa Monica. Thanks for everything that you do. For all the love and support!

Life is a sport, make it count

Elder Shanklin

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blessings Beat The Heat Any Day-Santa Monica Guayaquil Week Thirty Eight

I swear it just gets hotter and hotter here in Guayaquil. Even when it rains it is still super hot. There is just no break from this tremendous heat.


This week we worked really hard without many results or success. Every day we were out early and we were out till the last minute. Instead of seeing more results we saw less results. People starting slipping and there wasnt much we could do. We keep working witht the faith and hope that the Lord would bless us as we continued to work. Sunday came and we only had 2 people in the church. 15 minutes passed and in walked a part member family whose wife wants to get baptized. Then another 5 minutes passed and in walked a single mom. When we talked to her after so had been invited by a friend and she came. She has 2 daughters and she is trying to find the right church. We had an amazing lesson with her and her daughters last night. Things are looking up here Santa Monica. We continue to work with what we have and then keep looking for new ones. Should be having a baptism coming up real soon. The 2 of May is when it is programmed right now.

Life on the Road

The other day we visited a recent convert who was baptized in October of last year. For his profession he drives semis. His semi was parked in front of his house. We were asking questions about it and he chatted for a while. He then asked if he wanted to drive it. We refused because we cant, even tho that was way hard for my companion lol. He offered to take us around the block just so we could see what it was like. We toured the sector for like 30 seconds and come back. Just a short little ride. Took some cool pictures tho.
Elder Shanklin, Elder Flamenco and a friend

Having a good time in the Semi

Not much happened this week. We continue to work hard and serve the Lord. It is still hot and will probably always be like that. Thanks for all the love and support! 

Life is a sport, make it count

Elder Shanklin

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New Sector, New Companion, New People-Santa Monica Guayaquil Week Thirty Seven

Feels like it went from winter to summer over night here. Amazing how different it is here in Ecuador. Also a shout out to the little sis as this week she will be turning 14! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


First things first. I am out of Cuenca and have returned to Guayaquil. I don't really know where exactly I am in Guayaquil, but the sector is Santa Monica. Not the biggest sector in the mission but we make it work. Cuenca was absolutely beautiful and I loved the time that I spent there but the Lord needs me here in Guayaquil, so here is where I will keep working hard. In Cuenca it is normally around 14 degrees celsius in the day, and at night you have to sleep with 2 blankets. Here in Guayaquil it is like 35-37 degrees and if you sleep with one blanket you will die of a heat stroke in the middle of the night. But really I sleep with the fan directly on my face. The coast is cool here. It is kinda where I started my mission and I am glad to be back.
The mountains of Guayaquil peeking through the clouds

Another view

New Companion

My new companion is Elder Flamenco. He was born in El Salvador. That makes 3 of my companions from El Salvador. However, when he was 3 he went to the United States or he moved there with his family. When he was 10 his family was introduced to the church and since then he has been going. He is a great example, plus he knows English and Spanish fluently which is a big help. We get along great and are working hard here in Guayaquil. Baptisms to come. 
The Santa Monica Zone

New People

This week when I got here we practically started from scratch. We just hit the ground running. We had a good week and we enjoyed our time as well. We have 7 people that we are working with and all of them were at church on Sunday. The all enjoyed themselves. Although some of them have problems and things that impede them from progressing we will continue to help them so that in time that can enjoy the peace and joy that Christ offers. There is lots of work to be done here in this sector and we are just getting started. Hopefully lots more success and cool stories are to come.  I don't have anything that will blow your mind away this time.
Torrential down pour in minutes flooded the streets

Elder Shanklin said, "this reminds me of New Orleans when we
would swim in the flood waters."

Thanks for all the love and support! Keep the prayers coming!

Life is a sport, make it count

Elder Shanklin

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Semana Santa & General Conference-Cuenca Week Thirty Six

This week was filled with lots of new cultural experiences, especially because I am in cuenca. But before I get started, Happy Easter to everyone. How awesome is it that we get to celebrate the death and more importantly the resurrecion of our savior.

Easter Week

Here in Ecuador this week is called Semana Santa . I am not sure what exactly that translates to in english (Holy Week) but that is how you say it is Spanish. Basically like 60% of Cuenca are Catholic, and there are lots of traditions associated with that during this week. One of the traditions in that one thursday you go and visit 7 churches and at the churches they give you something and you collect them all. Practically like pokemon. You gottem catchem all. On Friday they eat a soup that is called Fanesca. It has a bunch of vegetables and fish, because they dont eat meat that day. It wasnt bad, but there is better in this world. Also on Friday everything is closed, literally everything. Saturday or Sunday nothing special happens basically just everyone goes to church, and there is a midnight mass on Saturday.
Elder Shanklin during Holy Week

Elder Shanklin on the streets of Cuenca

Elder Shanklin

Blessings of Revelation

This week we were looking for investigators and we meet a girl  that is awesome. She is like 28 and married with a kid. She grew up in an orphanage and there, there were some american members that were volunteers. She grew close to them and wanted to go with them to church. She grew up and still is in contact with many of those members. She told us that recently while she was visiting in Machala she talked with her niece who recently got baptized. I began to ask more questions because i was there in Machala. Come to find out it was one of my converts. Probably one of the coolest experiences i have ever had in my life. To find out that my convert was being an example to her family, and was still strong in the church. I know for a fact that i needed to be here in Cuenca in this moment to meet her. I still cant believe it happened.
Elder Shanklin and the Cuenca Zone

General Conference

It is always great to hear the words of the prophets and apostles. I also learn so much during this weekend. Learn many ways that i can improve myself now and for the future. I honestly liked the last talk of the first session. The name is not in my mind right now but it was awesome. It talked about eternal marriage and how that is the difference. WE have a lot of investigators right now that are working towards marriage or who want to get to the temple so it was great for them to hear that talk.  
This is a picture from Elder Shanklins baptism last week.

Thanks for all the love and support. Another great week passed here in cuenca. 

Life is a sport, make it count

Elder Shanklin