Well lets just say this week was pretty great with lots of faith building experiences...
So on Tuesday we received a call from a recent convert that told us he was done. That his wife told him that he needed to leave the house and take all his stuff. He immediately called us and told us to come over fast. We arrived in lightning speed. He told us he was going to renounce the church and move away. He sat there listening attentively the whole time as he told us the stories and what was going on. We didnt say one word for almost 10 minutes because he was talking. Finally after a few seconds of waiting an idea popped into my head. As I looked around the whole house was dirty, and it was a complete mess. The thought come to my head clearly. Help him clean the house. I shrugged it off thinking that has nothing to do with the problem. Then the thought came again this time with the thought that whenver my house was clean my mom was happy. This time I offered our assistance. He kinda was hesitant at first but then accepted. We would spend about 2 hours cleaning his house, doing laundry, about everything we could think of. We left him with a goal that he would clean the house everyday, even if it is for a couple minutes. We went by the other day, and lets just day things are going way better for them.
I have no words for this picture! Can you see the pure JOY in his face?? |
Gringos Everywhere
Rain, Rain Go Away
We have officially entered the rain season here in Ecuador, which means that it rains about every single day here in Ecuador. And when the people you have to teach live on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere it isnt the funnest thing to climb a mountain. At first I thought that it was just a couple day storm so after a couple days I stopped bringing my jacket. Well that was a mistake when it starting down pouring on us in the middle of walking up a hill. Anyway it rains a lot here and it is way colder than the other places I have been.
This week was filled with some way faith building experiences. Nothing great or earth shattering. Just simple things that confirmed what I already knew and helped me to grow. Thanks for all the support from home. It is great here in Ecuador, or in Cuenca. Time is flying.
Life is a sport, make it count
Elder Shanklin
You are doing great work there, Elder Shanklin, and we are so appreciative of your selfless service and great example. Miracles DO happen when we allow the Holy Ghost to teach us, and then listen and act! Keep up the great work! The Jensens join the many who pray for you daily.