So first off I would like to give a shout out to my boy Tom Brady and his amazing victory over the Seahawks. As miserable as I was knowing it was going on as a walked the street I recieved score updates from some members that I made friends with.
Moving Party
This past couple weeks we have had the opportunity to move some of the sisters. Not exactly sure for what reason but all I know is that we had the opportunity to use normal clothes so I was all in. Basically we moved everything as the sisters "helped". By that I mean they watched us carry up other the furniture four flights of a spiraling staircase. Lets just say the walls were a little dinged up. It was fun tho after all was said and done. After we had a little lunch together with some sandwiches and soda. Then we got to work.
Taking a little break while moving |
A job well done. |
Nice packing job Elders |
Elders and Sisters showing off their packing job. |
Baby Party
It just so happened that when I showed up to this ward there were like 3 women that looked like they were going to pop. The reason I share this is because they all had there babies and one (the awesome gringo from last week) wanted us and the sisters to be the babies first visitors. We got permission and headed over. I dont want to brag but us missioneries brought them a gift and we actually made the baby book with the card (picture attached). They were extremely appreciative of everything.
Baby Card |
House Party
Yours truly completed 6 months in the mission so yours truly threw a little party in the house. By that I mean we had pizza and soda. In the life of a missionary that is a party. There are pictures attached. But other than that time is passing super quick and everything is going great.
Do you think he ate it all himself?? |
Celebrating 6 months in the mission. |
Rats...and it wasn't a party
So I have like the worst of luck with rats. Before the ate some of my food in the house. Now they ate some food before it even got to me. Thanks to taylor for the cosmic brownies and the shirt but the rats got to the brownies first and like 3 of them were eaten. I ate the other ones that didnt have holes in them. I don't know why but rats just seem to hate me a lot.
Attack of the Nunchucks
So this wasn't a party either but it was interesting. We were walking in the street and an older man stop us and began to bash us and the united states in general. I just began to tell him that we needed to go and we began to leave. As we were leaving he stepped up on the ledge and whipped out a pair of nunchucks and just started swinging them around. I am pretty sure that he was drink but it made for a pretty legit story.
Cuenca |
District in Cuenca |
The work is moving along here in cuenca and in Ecuador. It is a privledge to serve the lord for two years and to also see the fruits of my labors. The experiences I am having are unforgettable and will make great stories some day. Thanks for all the support!
Life is a sport, make it count
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