Monday, March 2, 2015

The Atonement Of Jesus Christ Is Real-Cuenca Week Thirty One

First off Happy Birthday to my little brother who turns 9. Nothing  extraordinary happened this week so sorry if I bore anyone with this letter...


This two past weeks has been pretty great because we have had baptisms the past 2 saturday. This saturday Andrea got baptized and it was super awesome, including matching outfits with our ward mission leader. As much as we want to say that we planned it, we didn't. That just made the baptism even better. Honestly here in Cuenca are the only times that a baptism has gone smoothly. The funny part was, if you think it is funny, is that more people from the other ward showed up than people from our ward. It is because her sister goes to the other ward and so all of her friends came to the baptism. Andrea has been through a lot in her life and is a testimony to me that the atonement of Jesus Christ is real, and that it really does change the lives of people. The changes I have seen in people is incredible. The sister of Andrea always was there in the baptism and she is getting baptized the 14th. 
Elder Shanklin, Andrea, Elder Hunt

Elder Shanklin, Andrea, Elder Hunt, Brother unknown, Ward Mission Leader

Elder Shanklin, Ward Mission Leader, Elder Hunt
In their matching ties

Missionary for a Day

So the stake here in Cuenca they did a activity called "Missionary for a day". Basically all the kids that are missionary age or like 16-17 went out and spent the day as a missionary. I was with some kid named Israel. Pretty chill dude, and super funny. He has already put in his mission papers, or else I think he wouldnt have gone. Just kidding. We had a good time. We got a lot of work done and had a chill time as well. Lets just say he was exhausted by the time the day ended, and was ready to sleep, and eat. It was a good learning experience for me and him as well. At least I hope so. 
Elder Shanklin

What a beautiful world we live in!

That is a nice view

Visits from the Assistants

So we recieved a suprise visit from the assistants on friday. By suprise I mean they just showed up at my house. I have always said any opportunity I have to recieve guidance or help from leaders I am willing to except it. We talked about obedience, dilligence, and working hard with the members. They then gave us a promise that if our numbers in march go up to a certain number that he will come personally to cuenca and do something sweet with the zone. More to come on that.

Like I said this week nothing extraordinary happened, just a baptism. I promise I will try to have  something more awesome happen this week but for know just enjoys some pictures. 

Thanks for everything

Life is a sport, make it count

Elder Shanklin

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