Tuesday, March 24, 2015

When One Door Closes Another Opens-Cuenca Week Thirty Four

Happy St Patricks Day, at  least I think it was because I got a package celebrating that holiday. Hope everyone found a pot of gold, because it seems like we did. 
Elder Hunt and Elder Shanklin

A little confused whether it is Valentines Day or St. Patricks Day

St. Patricks Day Ecuadorian Style


For the last couple of months we have been working with an investigator named Fabian Sacta. We have been teaching him for the last couple months but has been attending church for almost 8 months. The problem was that he was living with him wife and they werent married so there wasnt much we could do to help them progress. They had been having some problems and werent very happy in their marriage. This week when we went and visited him he informed us that he had serperated from his wife and was ready to be baptized. We talked with him for a couple of minutes to help him out and he will be getting baptized this saturday. This guy will be like a stake president one day. You think I am lying but this dude ask questions straight from the heart really wanting to learn and apply what he is being taught. He reads and prays everyday with his son. I honestly have been hoping for the chance to be here when he gets baptized and if i dont get changed it looks like I will have the chance. 

Starting Over

With Paola we have basically started over. She told us that when he step father died she took that as her answer and now she isnt sure of anything. We basically started from scratch again. Hopefully things will work out because she is always receptive but we will keep relying on the lord to help us in all of our efforts and needs. She has 2 sister that are great examples to here, and have such powerful testimonies. Hopefully with those examples and everything the lord will bless her, and open her heart. The door is not closed, so we are working extra hard to open it a little bit more. 

Honestly we have just been working this week. No big or exciting stories to share other than the ones I already shared. We are going to keep working hard and being obedient. Thanks for all the love and support. Hope everyone has a super good week. This week I complete 8 months not that anyone is counting or anything. 

Life is a sport, make it count

Elder Shanklin

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