Friday, August 14, 2015

I Would Literally Shake Every Time I Saw Him-Isla Trinitaria Guayaquil Week Fifty Three

Time is flying by here in this sector. There is always something that is happening. That and being a Zone Leader means that you are all over the place during the day. This week it happened more that normal.
This week we recieved a phone call from the mission nurses telling us we had to take medicine to a missionary in his house. That is a normal occurance so we started on our way over. Then on the way over we got another call from them and then the missionaries. We started moving a little faster. Then out of nowhere President called us and we realized it got serious and you should've seen the way we moved. It was like another level of speed. On the way to the house, President called us again and told us to go to the hospital, that everything was alright and he wanted us to be with him until he got there. President showed up and sent us back. He then called us one hour later and told us to return to the hospital and bring them clothes for the night and some food. So practically we spent the day running errands. Got to see another side of Guayaquil that I had never seen before which always was pretty cool. I didnt have my camera in this moment so sorry no pictures.
Americanized Food
There are 3 gringos living in our house, and whenever that happens that are always to things that happen. First there is a lot of english spoken. Just ask the Latino in the house and he will testify of this. Second we americanize things. This week we made some awesome empanadas. Usually they are made with cheese. This week we decided to take it a step further. We made peanut and chocolate empanadas. No before you say gross know that they were delicious. I was the head chef and led the team in our operation. In the mission we do some pretty weird things to pass the time and that was one of the things we did. So don't laugh or make fun of me.

Two Missionary Gringos

American Peanut Butter sent by Mom.

Meetings with President
This past week me and my companion had 2 meetings with president. Before I used to be terrified to have a meeting with President. I would literally shake. Now I actually enjoy the presence of President. There is such a spirit felt and a calm peace that is felt. In every meeting that we have with him we learn something super important so that be applied immediately. This week we had a cool experience with President and revelation. I am certain that he recieves revelation in all things.
The other missionaries that live with Elder Shanklin and his companion

Thanks for all the love and support. Hope you guys have a great week
Life is a Sport, Make it Count
Elder Shanklin

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